August 2019 Board of Trustees Meeting
Back on the dais last night, after a month of summertime hiatus, we commenced our August board meeting at the Ocean View School District. This past month of July was filled with adventure and exploration, spending a month abroad in Europe with my family and friends. For July's meeting I participated by calling in from Rome, Italy, and last night I attended our monthly meeting for August in person and the board got so much accomplished. We hired several new principals and transferred others. Hope View, Mesa View, and Spring View will all be getting new principals at the start of the 2019-2020 school year. We learned about the OC Dept of Ed program CHEP, received multiple staff reports: construction, science textbook adoption, and Measure R. We discussed contracts, and voted to increase salaries to regain parity amongst employee groups. It was a productive meeting and we look forward to our next meeting on 8/20, a special board meeting to evaluate the performance of our superintendent, Dr. Carol Hansen. Hope to see you at Westmont on the 22nd for our grand reopening after modernization of the VAPA school site. Glad to be back!
(Pictured with OVSD Board President John Briscoe)