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Board Meeting Highlight, 2/22/22

Mostar, Bosnia and Hercegovina-From across the globe, I spoke out against attacks on children suffering poverty. Last night, as I attended the meeting from abroad in Bosnia and Hercegovina, I heard one of my colleagues (not shown here) disparage, sully, and look down upon students who are the most in need in Orange County, those who are food insecure, whose parents work 2-3 jobs to just have enough money not to be evicted onto the streets. He said they don’t deserve food from the Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County, and the board should deny this charitable non-profit from coming onto our campus to give out food to families that are starving. He claimed that OVSD teachers should call CPS on Oak View parents to report their parents as abusers. What kind of monster speaks this way? What kind of person denies the hungry and poorest amongst us? What have we become as a nation when someone elected to oversee children speaks down to the children he is charged with protecting? He’s despicable and should resign. He embarrassed us all with his petty tyranny and claimed that giving away free food was somehow “socialist.” As I sit here in a former socialist nation that was once Yugoslavia, I shudder at the nauseating words he spewed to garner himself political attention from those who hate our students in Oak View, the children of immigrants. Our Oak View students and residents were attacked simply for existing. Shame on him, and on anyone who supports him. He is an un-American as it gets. I won’t allow such attacks on students, and families. Enough is enough!
*See 2/22/22 board meeting in its entirety on the Ocean View School District YouTube channel to hear this travesty. He also voted against our un-housed community, the homeless, from registering for school, and said they should barred from attending, and shouldn’t be allowed because they could be “diseased.” He discriminates, and his words are nauseating. Please speak out against his attacks on our students at our next board meeting on 3/8/22. I’ll be back in the USA this Saturday, and will preside at the next board meeting.

Paid for by Committee to Re-Elect Gina Clayton-Tarvin for Ocean View School District 2024, FPPC 1413559
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