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Free Breakfast & Lunch at OVSD Schools

Huntington Beach, CA-Ocean View School District, which serves not only Huntington Beach, parts of Fountain Valley, Midway City, and Westminster operating 14 school sites and overseeing 11 more non-school sites and offices. I am an elected official of a special district of the State of CA, and not an elected leader of our City of HB, but have the ability to disseminate emergency information and have been doing so as it relates to children, and schools. At OVSD we have already held an emergency meeting last Friday to shut schools. Last night we held our first fully telephonic and remote board of trustees meeting as well, the first in OC to do this. Important information: people have been making a run on grocery stores and food. Please avoid doing this out of a panic, there is no current food shortage in HB, County or State. However, if your children, ages 1-18 are hungry and you need food, you may come to any OVSD site to eat. ALL children are welcome, even if they are not OVSD students. Come between 9-11am, grab and go only for breakfast and lunch, no gathering, per the OC Health Officers Orders (from 3/17/20). Stay home, do not congregate in public, stay with your families. If we all do our part, we will stop the spread of the virus. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me and I will provide what I can in answers based on what information I currently have from the District, County, State, and Federal Governments. Use the contact form to reach out to me.



Paid for by Committee to Re-Elect Gina Clayton-Tarvin for Ocean View School District 2024, FPPC 1413559
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