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No Mask = No In-Person School in OVSD

Huntington Beach, CA-The rules are simple and they apply to all of our students and families. Sadly, HB Mayor Tem Tito Ortiz thinks he’s above the rules of the Ocean View School District Board of Trustees, but he’s not. “In line with the current guidance from the California Department of Public Health and the Orange County Health Care Agency, Ocean View School District requires staff and students to wear masks on our school campuses. If a student is unwilling to wear a mask, they may attend our Virtual Academy,” Superintendent Dr. Carol Hansen said in a statement. President Patricia Singer and I both spoke to CBS2 news yesterday and we want to be abundantly clear, whether parents are former mixed martial arts fighters or a current elected leader, there would be no preferential treatment. Celebrity does not exempt you from following the rules. No mask means no in-person school. Thanks to all of our OVSD families who do follow our rules, we appreciate you and your commitment to the health and safety of our students and staff.

Paid for by Committee to Re-Elect Gina Clayton-Tarvin for Ocean View School District 2024, FPPC 1413559
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