Special Board Meeting Tonight
Huntington Beach, CA-Yesterday, Governor Newsom announced that with declining case rates and hospitalizations across the west, California, Oregon, and Washington are moving together to update their masking guidance. After 11:59 p.m. on March 11, California will adopt new indoor mask policies and move from mask requirements to mask recommendations in schools. We acknowledge that the state lifting the mask requirement may cause anxiety for some people, especially those who are at higher risk for COVID or live with someone who is at higher risk. We also recognize that others who do not support masking in schools, will continue to share their opinion that masking should end immediately. OVSD will hold a Special Board Meeting on Tuesday, March 1st, at 6 PM, to discuss how the District will move forward with the new guidance and to provide an opportunity for our Board and community to express their thoughts on the matter. Local jurisdictions may continue their masking requirements based on conditions impacting their communities, and students and staff may still choose to wear masks. You may attend and speak at the Special Board Meeting in-person (masks required) at:
OVSD District Office
17200 Pinehurst Lane, Building A
Huntington Beach
Or you may view the meeting via Zoom. The link will be active by 5:30 pm. www.ovsd.org/boardmeeting
CDPH will be updating K-12 Schools Guidance to reflect that after 11:59 p.m. on March 11, 2022, students and staff members in K-12 settings will be strongly recommended, not required, to mask while indoors. Thank you for your continued partnership and your resilience. OVSD will continue to take every step necessary to preserve the health and safety of our students, staff, and our community and will provide timely and necessary updates.