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Trustee Comments 2/14/23

Huntington Beach,CA-At last night’s board meeting we got a lot of important business accomplished. Even with all of the serious talk of consolidation of schools, CAASPP scores, and Measure R modernization updates, we still had a chance to hear a wonderful report from an OVSD student. Marine View 8th grader Isabella Parra, her principal, teacher, and family attended. Isabella gave a great speech on her experience with taking the wood shop elective, using the elaborate machinery, and creating with her hands. She also reported that she is now interested in taking shop in high school and visited Marina High to see what they have to offer. We discussed the importance of more young women getting involved in the trades and I offered to provide her with information about apprenticeships at the Orange County Carpenters, Local 714. Great opportunities are out there and students like Isabella are just the right young women to take them.

Paid for by Committee to Re-Elect Gina Clayton-Tarvin for Ocean View School District 2024, FPPC 1413559
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