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VP Clayton-Tarvin's Trustee Comments

Huntington Beach, CA-Our board convened to discuss a myriad of important issues. President Singer was unable to attend due to illness, so I presided over the meeting. One of the discussions that we had centered around a report made by Clerk Souders in regard to the Superintendent’s Task Force on school consolidation. A lively debate ensued. Many community members came to the meeting last night and made compelling arguments and some even laid out a well thought out plan to save OVSD schools. I was particularly impressed with the Village View parent delegation, and I intend to be present at one of their future meetings to hear what they have to say. Community input is paramount, leading to greater understanding and transparency. One thing I know to be true is that the Ocean View School District is in good financial condition, we are in the black and always have been even through our toughest budget challenges. The discussion of doom and gloom by one of my colleagues is nothing more than a theatrical presentation to cement himself in a 2024 election. But this should not be about politics, it’s about our children. I happen to be a parent of an Ocean View School District student and it’s very important to me to make sure that accurate information is disseminated to the public so that there’s trust and respect.

Paid for by Committee to Re-Elect Gina Clayton-Tarvin for Ocean View School District 2024, FPPC 1413559
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